7 March, 2024
13 categories
IGNOU PGDAB-MAMP058 Project Synopsis: Projecthelpline.in is a trusted name of the project’s synopsis helpline team. We have been helping since 1997 through projecthelpline.in. is truly dedicated to projects for IGNOU University. we also provide a project and synopsis for the PGDAB in IGNOU.
Guidelines for PGDAB MAMP058 Project Synopsis:
- Preparation of Synopsis
- Introduction:
- Rationale
- Objectives
- Research Methodology
- Research Limitation
- then after the Submission of the Synopsis
- Preparation Report
- Cover Page – Must have the Name and Enrolment number of the Student and the Name of the Guide, along with the Title of the Project.
- Detailed table of contents with page numbers.
- All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected in the table of contents.
- Approved Proposal (i.e. Project Proposal, approved proforma, and bio-data of the guide)
- properly bound in the project and not just stapled. Please note that a project with stapled
- The proposal will not be accepted.
- Certificate of originality- duly signed by the student and the guide with dates.
- Characterisation
- Introduction
- Research Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- Summary and Conclusion
- Recommendations
- (vi) Limitations of the Project, Direction for further research (optional)
- Reference/Bibliography
- Annexures/Appendices (Questionnaire used etc.)
- then after the Submission of the Project report
For many more details on Project Synopsis, please contact us or send What Sapp message at:
9015596280, 9313565406, 9212129290
Tags: IGNOU MAMP058 ProjectIGNOU MAMP058 Synopsis IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 Project IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 Project Synopsis IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 Synopsis IGNOU PGDAB Project IGNOU PGDAB Synopsis IGNOU Project Synopsis MAMP058 Project Synopsis PGDAB MAMP058 Project PGDAB MAMP058 Synopsis
Category: IGNOU MAMP058 Project, IGNOU MAMP058 Synopsis, IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058, IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 Project, IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 Project Synopsis, IGNOU PGDAB MAMP058 Synopsis, IGNOU PGDAB Project, IGNOU PGDAB Synopsis, IGNOU Project Synopsis, MAMP058 Project Synopsis, PGDAB MAMP058 Project, PGDAB MAMP058 Synopsis, PGDAB Project Synopsis